AnonAddy is a service that provides anonymous email aliases to protect your real email address from spam and unwanted messages. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use AnonAddy:
Sign up: Go to the AnonAddy website and create an account.
Generate an alias: Click on "Create a new alias" and enter a prefix for your masked email address.
Get your masked email address: AnonAddy generates a unique masked email address (e.g.,
Use your masked email address: Use this address when signing up for services, newsletters, or any situation where you don't want to share your real email address.
Forwarded emails: Any emails sent to your masked address will be forwarded to your real email address (which you set up during registration).
Manage your aliases: Log in to your AnonAddy account to view, edit, or delete your masked email addresses.
Key features of AnonAddy include:
- Unlimited masked email addresses
- Email forwarding to your real email address
- Ability to reply from masked emails
- Option to set expiration dates for masked emails
- Customizable alias domains
- Open-source and audited code
To use AnonAddy effectively:
- Use masked emails for non-essential sign-ups
- Avoid using masked emails for important accounts or services
- Regularly clean up expired or unused masked emails
- Take advantage of AnonAddy's customizable alias domains for added privacy
Additional tips:
- Use a password manager to generate and store unique passwords for each alias
- Be cautious when clicking links or downloading attachments from masked emails
- Consider using AnonAddy with other privacy tools for added protection
By using AnonAddy, you can protect your real email address from spam and unwanted messages while still receiving important emails.